What are herbal tinctures?
If you know a thing or two about superfoods, you’re probably aware that there are many different kinds of superfoods that you can add to your routine?
But did you know that superfoods also come in lots of different forms. In addition to whole foods, superfoods come in forms such as powdered extracts, capsules, oils, and tinctures. The reason there are different forms of superfoods is to make it easier for people to actually be able to add them to their diets.
These different forms allow the superfoods to last longer and be a little more versatile, so you can simply add a small spoon of powder or a few drops of tincture to a beverage, a meal or even ingest alone. It also means that people from all over the world can try other superfoods that are only found in far away parts of the world.
Today, we’re going to focus tinctures – one of the types of superfood forms that you can get. So, whether you’re a looking for a new way to get your dose of superfoods or you just want to build up your tincture knowledge, this is what you need to know about tinctures.

What is a tincture?
A tincture is a concentrated liquid extract that is often used as an herbal medicine or a way to get a particular type of nutrient. Like other types of superfoods, tincture superfoods are often taken to improve or support a function in the body, with the aim of supporting your overall wellbeing.
The way a tincture may impact you will be somewhat dependent on the type of tincture you’re taking. But they are usually a combination of dissolved plant material, water, and alcohol.
The term tincture actually comes from the Latin word tinctus, which means moistened or dipped. This is fitting because of how tinctures are made.
How are tinctures made?
To make a tincture, plants/superfoods are soaked in a combination of water and alcohol. The water and alcohol work as a solvent, with the alcohol extracting the active nutrients from the plant/superfood.
The ratios of each part of a tincture will usually be quite specific and will change depending on the type of plant being used. The right combination allows for a greater extraction of the plant’s nutrients. And the alcohol also helps to increase the lifespan of the tincture.
The water used in tinctures also helps to extract plant compounds, however, its other important role is to help balance the amount of alcohol that is used to make the tincture.
It is believed that the use of tinctures dates back as far back as the Ancient Egyptians, where they soaked herbs in alcohol to create tinctures.
The time it takes to make a tincture will vary depending on the type of tincture that is being made, however, most tinctures will see the plant being soaked in the water and alcohol combination for more than two weeks.
Once the tincture has been made, they are kept in dark brown coloured bottles to help protect their lifespan. Light can damage foods and tinctures and promote degradation.
What are tinctures used for?
Tinctures have a wide variety of uses which will depend on the type of type of superfoods that have been used to make them.
Commonly tinctures are made to be ingested to treat all kinds of issues, including stress, indigestion and gut issues, pain, immune system issues, and inflammation. Others might be used to increase the level of antioxidants and nutrients that you’re receiving each day. And some tinctures can even be used topically to treat skin conditions and other infections.
What are the benefits of tinctures?
There are loads of benefits that can come from taking tinctures. The benefits you may feel will depend on the type of tincture that you’re taking. But some of the practical benefits of tinctures include:
- They are long-lasting. When stored correctly they can last a long time.
- They are easy to use, being able to be taken alone, mixed with liquids or in foods.
- They are easily absorbed by the body due to the ingredients used to make them.
- They can also be highly effective. This is because they are usually stronger than other forms of superfoods.
With the upsides of tinctures, there are also some downsides, including:
- Tinctures can sometimes have a strong and unpleasant taste, so they can take some getting used to.
- While you can make them yourself, it can be dangerous to do so, as there can be toxic combinations of the amount or type of alcohol used and various parts of the plant/superfood.
How do you take tinctures?
The simplest way to take a tincture is by placing a few drops (the number of drops will depend on the type of tincture) under your tongue and letting it stay there for around 30 seconds before swallowing it.
You can also add your dosage to a beverage, such as water, milk/mylk, or even a smoothie, or you can add it to a meal as well.
If you don’t like the taste of your tincture, we suggest adding it to a beverage.
Make sure you always check the recommended dosage before taking a tincture.
What kinds of tinctures are there?
There really are loads of different types of tinctures available as they can be made from all sorts of plants and superfoods.
Here at Superfoods Australia, we offer a huge range of tinctures that have been made using only the highest quality, sustainably sourced products. Some of our most popular tinctures we have include:
Lemon Myrtle Tincture – this may be able to provide you with stress relief and reduce sore throats due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains a high level of antioxidants, which can help in strengthening the immune system.
Pine Pollen Tincture – Pine pollen is an adaptogen, which means that it can essentially provide support to the areas of the body they need it the most. This helps to give the body energy, keep the immune system strong and help you manage stress.
Lion’s Mane Tincture – A favourite super mushroom, the Lion’s mane may help to support and improve brain and cognitive function as well as be able to aid in mood regulation.
Shilajit Tincture – Shilajit has a high level of antioxidant properties, which is important for fighting free radicals that can cause damage to healthy cells in the body. Shilajit is also believed to improve energy levels and support brain function too.
Pine Needle Tincture – Pine needles contain a very high level of Vitamin C, which promotes white blood cell production and helps to strengthen our immune systems. And the anti-inflammatory properties help to stave off infection and illness that can be caused by prolonged inflammation.

How do I get my superfoods tincture?
By shopping with us of course. At Superfoods Australia, we’re Australia’s leading supplier of superfoods. We offer a huge range of superfoods, including super mushrooms and super berries, in various forms.
And we ship Australia-wide, so no matter where you are, you can get your hands on the superfoods you’re after.
If there is a particular type of superfood you need or you have any questions about any of our products, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Our friendly team is here to answer questions and guide you through your superfoods journey.
Get your tinctures online in Australia here.